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St. Vincent of Zaragossa
Patron Saint of: Wine trade Daily Prayer - 2016-01-22PresenceLord, help me to be fully alive to your Holy presence. FreedomBy God's grace I was born to live in freedom. ConsciousnessI ask how I am within myself today? The Word of GodDay of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children Reading 1 1 Sm 24:3-21 Saul took three thousand picked men from all Israel Responsorial Psalm PS 57:2, 3-4, 6 and 11 R. (2a) Have mercy on me, God, have mercy. Alleluia 2 Cor 5:19 R. Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel Mk 3:13-19 Jesus went up the mountain and summoned those whom he wanted Some thoughts on today's scripture
ConversationWhat feelings are rising in me as I pray and reflect on God's Word? ConclusionI thank God for these few moments we have spent alone together and for any insights I may have been given concerning the text. 2nd Week in Ordinary Time Jesus . . . summoned those whom he wanted. (Mark 3:13) There was a couple who decided to adopt children, but when they were given the opportunity to be matched with a child, they were overwhelmed. The agency presented them with an album filled with babies' pictures and asked them to choose one from all of these children. When the woman's eyes fell on one particular child, in her heart she knew that this was the child God had chosen for their family. Years later, upon hearing this story from her adoptive parents, the daughter was awed. Her birthmother had protected her in the womb; her adoptive family had chosen her from among so many others; and here she is today, alive, healthy, and loved! In today's Gospel reading, we hear another story about being chosen—Jesus' choice of the twelve apostles. Of all of Jesus' followers, these were the men he chose and sent out to preach and drive out demons (Mark 3:14). Who would have thought that such simple, common fishermen would join a tax collector—Matthew—and a political activist—Simon the Zealot—and band together to have such an impact on the world? God has a call and a plan for each of us, even for each child in the womb, waiting to be born. Today, believers in the United States observe the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. It's a day when we can affirm that God wants each of these vulnerable children, just as that young girl's mother wanted her. It's a day when we can band together—no matter where we are—and pray for an end to abortion around the world. God has given each of us the precious gift of life. He has called each of us by name and set us apart for his purposes. Today, let's thank him for all he has done for us. At the same time, let's dedicate ourselves to protecting all the vulnerable children yet to be born. Especially during this Year of Mercy, may they be welcomed into life, and may they all live to fulfill God's call for them! "Father, thank you for calling me your child! Protect each unborn child today. May they all be brought forth to live a full and blessed life!" 1 Samuel 24:3-21 Whom He wanted Podcast Page: my2cents: First of all, thank you for your prayers, no baby number 7 yet, maybe another couple days. In the doctor's office, I could almost see the prayers you gushed forth. I believe very strongly in you. I believe very strongly in prayer. My prayer is that you believe in mine. And I rushed out typing the texted message to me in spanish to you. And today I'll start with it! :) If I were to change my manner of acting in front of others, I would make them happy. If I desired always the good of others, I would be more happy. If I understood fully my mistakes and defects, I would be humble and compassionate with others. If I changed the "having" more for "being" more, how much more blissful I would be! If I would change being "me" to being "us", it would begin a civilization of love. If I would follow decidedly Jesus and His Gospel, it would start a true joy. If I loved "seriously" the others, they would change. If I would change my manner of thinking towards others, I would understand them. If I would criticize less and applaud more, how many friends would I gain! If I would find the positive in everyone, with how much joy I would treat them! If I would change my manner of treating others, I'd have more friends. If I would accept others as they are, I'd suffer less. If I were to understand that we all make mistakes, I'd be more humble. If I had a better sense of humor, I'd relativize my little problems. If I'd think before speaking and acting, I'd save many words and even a failure. If I'd be more <intelligent> I wouldn't be hung up on looks of people and of things. If I would see beyond my belly button, I'd see more than one person that needs me. If I'd make myself do the good for others, I'd be more happy. If I'd take more into consideration my defects, I'd be more compassionate. If I would be less self-sufficient, I'd be enriched with the good of the others. If I were to trust more in God our Father, I'd feel more like a child in the arms of a loved one. If I were to commune more and better with Christ, I'd be capable of swallowing alot more from others. If I... If I can not change the world, I can change my own self. " Ahh, wonderful thoughts, and will you apply them to your life? Perhaps your life will change! Don't forget, giving hurts. Working out hurts, and it makes you stronger. Such was the case of David when Saul enters the cave. A movie plot couldn't be better than the bible, unless we make it out to be. Here we have a killer accidentally entering the cave where the innocent victim was hiding. Here was the chance of a lifetime to take out the killer! And what did David do? Trusted in God and God's word. He CHOSE LIFE. And the blessings ensue. What would you do with your enemy in your clutches? Because we are taught to "defend ourselves" but what about others? What about their salvation? What about what God says in your life? We take destiny by the hand...and let our destiny be our Father in Heaven. We prayed the Psalms "Have mercy on me, O God; have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. In the shadow of your wings I take refuge, till harm pass by." We plead over and over "have mercy Lord!" but do we have mercy on one another? This is the message of the day, Mercy. David had mercy. God had mercy on David's soul, even though David would goof up pretty bad in coming years of being a king. Suddenly, we realize how important mercy is...being merciful, choosing life. Let us think about the moment of conception, when an egg is fertilized; from this moment on, the human being is flourishing, growing faster than anything in the world at an astonishing rate, rushing and gushing forth and a heart is beating at about 20 days already, and by then, most people realize "oh my gosh, I'm pregnant!" and they seek for an end to the "undue burden", they seek how to stop it "before it's too late" but the moment was late at conception! We can not put an end to a beating heart nor conception, and this is what our world "contraception" mentality brings. This is not mercy. This is not compassion. And let's take it a step further in to reality, the spiritual realms. There are times when a person finally starts believing and wanting to join the church. Their heart is formed and ready for more, and then an unkind act from a "christ" follower smashes them and tears them to pieces, and they wilter, falter, and die. Who do you think God will have mercy on now? Suddenly, choosing life is more than flesh, but spiritual. Watch how we treat God. In comes the Lord of our life and today and chooses those to follow Him and call them apostles. What is so beautiful in hindsight of witnessing this beautiful moment in everyone's lives? And why isn't it a day of great celebration, the day Jesus chose the 12 Apostles including the one that would betray Him? Why not? Well, it is, for those who love it. Let's examine the importance of this day: +God chooses followers. +The followers follow and stumble. +The followers ultimately give their lives to God. Ultimately their hearts where convinced in the Son of God, in complete surrender, and one did not and surrendered to death instead of life. It is then, significant. This day Jesus said "I'm choosing you, to die for Me". This, this is a glorious day. Do you feel the call? I know I have a song stirring inside of me that will sing to this effect, that when you choose to follow Him, expect things to fall to pieces, and then, be built up again with Him at the center of your life. This is the importance of mercy at work. Because it shows that mercy gives to death what it desires...death to self, and life to Him. As if to say to death "You want my life so bad? Huh? Then you can have it!" and let your worldly life die. And then turn to God "Ok Lord, I'm empty, and I'm ready for all of You." This is the case when every Apostle gave up their worldly lives and families and followed the Lord. The first death had occurred. For a converted soul, you know the day. You know the day you gave your life to the Lord. You know the day you were called. You know the day you promised. You know the promise is a covenant. You know the promise is a Holy Sacrament. You know you are very capable of achieving the goal of sainthood. And that is not a goal to aim for alone in of itself, but to be in love with Christ, following Him wherever He goes...even To The Cross Subscribe to the visit mailing list. | |||||||||||||||||||||
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