Minute Meditations
St. Clement I d. 101 Clement of Rome was the third successor of Saint Peter and reigned as pope during the last decade of the first century. The accounts of his martyrdom were composed about the fourth or fifth century. The Basilica of St. Clement in Rome, one of the earliest parish churches of that city, is probably built on the site of Clement's home. His First Epistle to the Corinthians was preserved and widely read in the early Church. This letter from the church of Rome, authored by Clement (not to be confused with the writer now called Pseudo-Clement), to the church in Corinth, concerns a split that alienated a larage number of the laity from the clergy. Clement deplores the unauthorized and unjustifiable division in the Corinthian church and urges unity. He cites the cause of the quarrel as "envy and "jealousy." Comment: Clement urged charity to heal the division in the church of Corinth, for "without charity, nothing is pleasing to God." Today many people in the Church have experienced polarization regarding worship, how we speak about God and other issues. May we modern Christians take to heart the exhortation of Clement, implementing these words of Saint Paul: "And over all these put on love, that is, the bond of perfection" (Colossians 3:14). Quote: "Charity unites us to God.... There is nothing mean in charity, nothing arrogant. Charity knows no schism, does not rebel, does all things in concord. In charity all the elect of God have been made perfect" (First Epistle to the Corinthians). Daily Prayer - 2015-10-23PresenceDear Lord as I come to you today FreedomIt is so easy to get caught up ConsciousnessIn the presence of my loving Creator, The Word of GodReading 1 Rom 7:18-25aBrothers and sisters: Responsorial Psalm PS 119:66, 68, 76, 77, 93, 94R. (68b) Lord, teach me your statutes. Alleluia See Mt 11:25R. Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel Lk 12:54-59Jesus said to the crowds, Some thoughts on today's scripture
ConversationSometimes I wonder what I might say if I were to meet you in person Lord. ConclusionI thank God for these few moments we have spent alone together and for any insights I may have been given concerning the text. Saint John of Capistrano, Priest (Optional Memorial) Teach me wisdom and knowledge. (Psalm 119:66) "You know that guy whose house is on the corner?" "Oh yeah, I know him." How often do we say, "I know" when what we mean is "I've heard of him" or "I've seen him a few times"? Actually, we know only the most superficial things about "that guy." It can be a little like that with what we "know" about God, too. That is why today's responsorial psalm is so important: "Lord, teach me" (Psalm 119:65-66). However much or little we know about God, there is always more we can learn! Actually, the best way to know about God is to come to know him personally. Just as there is a big difference between knowing about "that guy" and becoming his friend, the same is true for the Lord. When you know someone personally, you know so much more than the data about her. You know how she feels about things, what makes her sad or happy, and why she likes the kind of music or movies she likes. Probably the biggest difference, however, is that you know what she thinks about you—because you matter to her and because she has shared her heart with you. Similarly, we can agree that God is all-wise, but how can we know his wisdom unless he gives it to us? How can we know what he treasures unless we ask him to share his heart with us? That's why God invites us every day to sit quietly with him and ponder his word. The idea of sitting and doing nothing can run contrary to common sense. It seems so wasteful and difficult when there are so many things to do! But this kind of quiet listening—and waiting—is vital. As the German philosopher Josef Pieper famously said, leisure is the basis of culture, for without it, we fall into the trap of "work for work's sake." If we don't take the time to sit in wonder at God and his beautiful creation, we'll never hear his still, small voice whispering words of love, wisdom, and guidance. So try to sit still today and pursue wisdom. Delight in the Lord, and seek to know him more. Let him fill you up! "Lord, as I sit quietly with you today, give me wisdom. Let me know more of who you are!" Romans 7:18-25 Podcast Page: http://hipcast.com/podcast/HGnNv46x my2cents: Let the Lord speak, because I have spoken enough. The Word brought up is important, as always, words of eternal life, the truth. I dropped a truck off at a mechanic shop yesterday, "we've reached the limt of our knowledge...it is in your hands now" I told the mechanic, and we left. We tried and tried to get it going, but with so much wiring and sensors and not having the right tools, much less the know-how, we took it to someone that does know. This is what our faith should always be like. Yeah, you try and try, but until you take it to the Lord and let Him handle it, we endlessly and fruitlessly spin our wheels. We read today " For I do not do the good I want,but I do the evil I do not want." Sure we all have good intentions, but we do not act on them, and so something else happens. When you are in neutral, you can float either forwards or backwards, wherever the currents take you. Jesus is asking you to come to Him. But we think we know it all, too proud to let others in, much less our Lord, and so we take on the challenge of being neutral, trying to drive, an endless battle that weighs one down to starvation and desperation. Consider it a call from the Lord, "turn to me". Luke chapter 13 says "...if you do not convert, everyone will die in a similar manner". The Psalms pray "You are good and bountiful; teach me your statutes." Teach me Lord, to be like you, patient, merciful, strong, meek, powerful, humble, loving, just, forgiving, and able to trust. For the many years I've served the Lord in ministries, I've noticed a few things, not everything, but enough to mention to help you on your way. The devil does not stop. Just when everything seems to be going fine, the aggrevator and divider rears its head. The Hebrew word Satan means "adversary" and its translation into Greek gives the word "Diabolos", ... to divide or separate. Realize what is at hand. The fight, then, is to unite. And the strongest division is that happening is between The Father in Heaven...and His children. For this, the Lord is asking you, to convert, to show your face to Him, to come to Him in total self surrender. If I can not convert in one day, I can convert this day, and tomorrow, ever more. If this is the case for others, then we are a work in progress. I need patience, mercy, strength for others and seek for self, the power of God, humility to be loving and forgiving and able to trust. Our Lord speaks words of wisdom and eternity and says "...why do you not know how to interpret the present time?" Later the Lord says "...your opponent will turn you over to the judge". Did you wonder who your opponent is? Who is your enemy? After a parish meeting last night, I thought surely things would go nice and smooth with the people present, but still the same ol' nasty person showed its head...the devil. It's never been the people, it's always been the devil. In the bible, many times satan has been called or known as "the accuser". This is the one that will hand you over to the judge with all the accusations. Better to settle things now, not an agreement with the accuser, but to settle things with God before the time comes...the time of death, the launch pad for an eternity. This is where charity comes in. For if you have nothing to give, then truly giving begins. When you think you are good, then it is time to give. When you think you are empty, then it is time to give. When you can not go on, then it is time to give. Sacrifice means glory to God. Give your sins in Holy Confession, reconcile with God. This is to make things right with everyone in the world. It is not enough to say "Sorry Lord" and go on. We must make amends, we must reconcile, we must surrender to the community, and give. You are not alone, never have been, never will, so long as you live, you have a prayer. My prayer now is for us to recognize the times we live in. People say we are in dark times...then it is time to turn on the lights, let your love of God shine, tomorrow is not the time, yesterday was not the time as it is the time now. God bless you, let us go forth... | |||||||