Minute Meditations
Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher Canada was one diocese from coast to coast during the first eight years of Marie-Rose Durocher's life. Its half-million Catholics had received civil and religious liberty from the English only 44 years before. When Marie-Rose was 29, Bishop Ignace Bourget became bishop of Montreal. He would be a decisive influence in her life. He faced a shortage of priests and sisters and a rural population that had been largely deprived of education. Like his counterparts in the United States, he scoured Europe for help and himself founded four communities, one of which was the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Its first sister and reluctant co-foundress was Marie-Rose. She was born in a little village near Montreal in 1811, the 10th of 11 children. She had a good education, was something of a tomboy, rode a horse named Caesar and could have married well. At 16, she felt the desire to become a religious but was forced to abandon the idea because of her weak constitution. At 18, when her mother died, her priest brother invited her and her father to come to his parish in Beloeil, not far from Montreal. For 13 years she served as housekeeper, hostess and parish worker. She became well known for her graciousness, courtesy, leadership and tact; she was, in fact, called "the saint of Beloeil." Perhaps she was too tactful during two years when her brother treated her coldly. As a young woman she had hoped there would someday be a community of teaching sisters in every parish, never thinking she would found one. But her spiritual director, Father Pierre Telmon, O.M.I., after thoroughly (and severely) leading her in the spiritual life, urged her to found a community herself. Bishop Bourget concurred, but Marie-Rose shrank from the prospect. She was in poor health and her father and her brother needed her. She finally agreed and, with two friends, Melodie Dufresne and Henriette Cere, entered a little home in Longueuil, across the Saint Lawrence River from Montreal. With them were 13 young girls already assembled for boarding school. Longueuil became successively her Bethlehem, Nazareth and Gethsemani. She was 32 and would live only six more years—years filled with poverty, trials, sickness and slander. The qualities she had nurtured in her "hidden" life came forward—a strong will, intelligence and common sense, great inner courage and yet a great deference to directors. Thus was born an international congregation of women religious dedicated to education in the faith. She was severe with herself and by today's standards quite strict with her sisters. Beneath it all, of course, was an unshakable love of her crucified Savior. On her deathbed the prayers most frequently on her lips were "Jesus, Mary, Joseph! Sweet Jesus, I love you. Jesus, be to me Jesus!" Before she died, she smiled and said to the sister with her, "Your prayers are keeping me here—let me go." She was beatified in 1982. Comment: The Christian triad has always been and will always be prayer, penance and charity. In our day we have seen a great burst of charity, a genuine interest in the poor. Countless Christians have experienced a deep form of prayer. But penance? We squirm when we read of terrible physical penance done by people like Marie-Rose. That is not for most people, of course. But the pull of a materialistic culture oriented to pleasure and entertainment is impossible to resist without some form of deliberate and Christ-conscious abstinence. That is part of the way to answer Jesus' call to repent and turn completely to God. Quote: To a novice leaving religious life, Marie-Rose said: "Do not imitate those persons who, after having spent a few months as postulant or novice in a community, dress differently, even ludicrously. You are returning to the secular state. My advice is, follow the styles of the day, but from afar, as it were." Presence Dear Jesus, today I call on you in a special way. Freedom Lord, may I never take the gift Consciousness In God's loving presence I unwind the past day, The Word of God Reading 1 gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1Brothers and sisters: Responsorial Psalm ps 113:1b-2, 3-4, 5a and 6-7R. (see 2) Blessed be the name of the Lord forever. Gospel lk 11:29-32While still more people gathered in the crowd, Jesus said to them, Listen to audio of this reading Watch a video reflection Conversation Sometimes I wonder what I might say if I were to meet you in person Lord. I think I might say "Thank You Lord" for always being there for me. I know with certainty there were times when you carried me, Lord. When it was through your strength I got through the dark times in my life. Conclusion Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
28th Week in Ordinary Time There is something greater than Jonah here. (Luke 11:32)
"If only I had been alive when Jesus walked the earth! I would have hung on his every word, noted his every action, and learned all about his hidden life. I wish I had been there to see just one of his miracles. I would never have questioned him! How sad that the time of miracles is past." Guess what? Jesus is walking the earth today! His body thrives as its members in the Church open their hearts and hands to one another, ministering his presence more powerfully than the voice of any single individual. His body clutches at your heartstrings in the plight of every needy human being. And best of all, that really is his Body on the altar at every Mass. Is the time of miracles over? Jesus promised, "Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these" (John 14:12). Jesus is still in the business of performing miracles, sometimes in response to prayer and sometimes through his people as we minister his presence. No matter how he does it, Jesus is still healing incurable diseases, reconciling people after years of estrangement, and awakening repentance in the most hardened of hearts. Often we can discern the hand of God more clearly when we look back over a period of time. Not all miracles are instantaneous; many slip under the radar until we compare the overwhelming results to our meager human resources. It's true that the more we look, the more signs and miracles we will recognize. Jesus comes to us in planned moments, during daily Mass or personal prayer time. But he also comes to us in spontaneous moments, when we least expect him. Responding to his presence may require setting aside our plans and goals, but it's always worth it. Do you want to see miracles today? Then begin by praying, "Jesus, I know I will encounter you today. Help me to recognize you right away and respond in faith." Then when evening comes, look back over the day, and you'll be amazed at all the ways the Lord has been at work. "Jesus, you continue to be God's Word among us. Open my eyes to see you and my heart to respond to you. Lord, may I become an instrument of your miraculous presence today!"
Galatians 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1; Psalm 113:1-7
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