Saint Clare, Virgin (Memorial)
Be brave and steadfast. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
Have you ever watched an intense relay race as runners pelt down the track to pass the baton and cheer for the next team member? This passage is a little like that, as Moses formally passes the leadership of Israel to Joshua. After spending years at Moses' side, Joshua had come into his own. Moses had invested so much in his successor, and the time had come for Joshua to take the lead.
Just like Moses, the time will come for each of us to pass the baton to the next generation in the Church. Whether we are actively involved in parish life or trying to make a difference in our communities or living hidden lives of intercession, each of us should start thinking of how those who come after us can continue to advance the work we have been doing for the Lord.
So here's one question: How am I passing on my faith? The answer would include things like taking your children or grandchildren to Mass, praying with them before meals and bedtime, reading them Bible stories, and helping them learn the difference between right and wrong. It also includes more subtle things like encouraging them to dream about how they can live for more than just themselves or trying to provide a loving and prayerful environment in our homes. Our young people need to know that there is so much more to life than the next paycheck, the next weekend's activities, or the next big purchase!
Here's another question: If I could leave the young people around me with just two things to remember, what would they be? God's love? The promise of salvation? Jesus' command to love one another? Think about this for a bit; then try to come up with ways that you can incorporate these points in your conversations and in the way your life honors the Lord. It may not seem like much, but it can make a big difference.
We all have the privilege of passing the baton on to the next generation. So let's try our best to guide and encourage them, to leave a legacy of faith for them, and to release them into God's loving hands. Let's all remember that we are handing on a great treasure!
"Lord, show me how to guide the young people around me to know and love you."
(Psalm) Deuteronomy 32:3-4, 7-9, 12
Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Today's 5 minutos leads on (let me translate for you):
"For all the insignificance that we see a person with that surround us, they have all the dignity of a child of God and it should re-dress the importance to our eyes: 'Our Lord in Heaven does not want that any of these to be lost'. Jesus came as a Servant, not like the Triumphant. He did not come to be served but to serve. He showed us not to seek the first places at meals, but to be simple of heart and humble. The proud, the self-sufficient like the pharisee that went up to the Temple, nor needed nor desired salvation: and because of this they do not obtain it. I was at the bus station at a capital, waiting for a bus. There, in a corner, sitting on the ground, with crippled legs with hands stretched out, a man asked for help to travel. He wanted to go back to his land that was at a far off place at bay, but he did not have money for the passage/ticket. The people would pass him and would drop a few coins in his hand. When would he ever have enough that wasn't so much? Then, a passenger came up to him and asked him where he wanted to go. Immediately, without saying anything, he went up to the window, bought the ticket and gave it to him in his hand. Those who stood by were admiringly looking to one another "and why not?", also looking embarrased for not having come up with the same idea. The stranger, as if to know everyone's thoughts said with all naturalness: 'That's what money is for."
In today's first Holy Scripture, Moses has to pass on the baton. He had accomplished God's will, even though to human thoughts, "we could've done more", Moses "should've done more" we think, because we read of his failures, not listening to God and being punished by not being able to cross the Jordan. Yet, the Lord continues His plan of savation, with or without you, through you or not. Ours then is only one task...strict obedience and humility to the God of life, and of salvation. It is an important lesson, having to learn humility. I can act pretty humble, appear to be nice, but inside, so much vanity and pride that can be gross if you could see it physically manifested. That's why demons are ugly to sight. And so, the difference is like night and day. What we do not see is what I have noticed by going to Holy Mass every day since last Friday, a beauty that comes upon the Holy Bread, the Holy Communion, just like a soul you do not see, but if you could see it, you would turn white, just as moses became radiant when coming face to face with God. And still, our minds work against us. Eventually, Moses would cross that river of the promised land...he dies, with Jesus leading everyone across, saying "do not be afraid, have courage", "I will be with you", "I will never fail you", and this is important, because even though we fail, He does not and that is what we need....HIM.
The Psalms pray on "The LORD alone was their leader, no strange god was with him." and "The portion of the Lord is his people." It is said that God does not need us. Hmm. Sounds harsh right? Well, truth is, this means that His Glory is not made less by not having won your heart. Right now there is a fierce competition for your soul. So many things and people are vying for your attention. Sometimes, I notice someone peeking into the Church, coming every once in a while, then a "friend" comes along and snatches them away. Something caught them, led them away and astray...a strange god even. Yet, we hear today "the portion of the Lord is His people". He wants you, may not need you, but WANTS you. The God of all, this creator, this marvel of Time, this God of humility wants you. Wants me for what? What does He do? Love.
Jesus comes into the Holy Gospel, " Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven." Such an interesting verse. Becoming like children seems odd in a world where "adults only" are allowed, with all their "adult stores" and "adult channels" and "adult drinks". LOL, I took my wife and kids to an RV park earlier this summer, only to realize we were mistakenly parked in an "adults only" RV park. It was very eery. Very quiet. No kids playing on a playground, no laughs, no exuberant joy. Some old man walked passed us rushing to fish at a little pond, looking over his shoulder, threw the line in and out. The next thing I hear is "there's been complaints about your children". My eyes and ears couldn't believe it. We hadn't even done anything, the kids were outside for a few minutes. But the kids were not accepted. Such is the Kingdom of God. All those not accepted, are those that hate kids...God's kids. Are your kids yours? No, they are God's. Everything and everyone is His. We are living on borrowed time. We are not puppets, although we let ourselves be sometimes by letting spirits talk among us. Watch what your life is saying, sowing, and growing. I read a quote from a daily email deal I get and today it said ""To convert somebody, go and take them by the hand and guide them."— St. Thomas Aquinas. It crossed some wires in my head, made a spark. I've always lived under the assumption (Just remembered Satudurday is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), that "God converts people, not me".
But St. Thomas is right. I'm wrong. Let that be a stepping stool into humility "God is right, and I'm wrong". I'm afraid too many want to tell GOd what to do and how to be instead of us doing all the listening. Jesus takes a nobody into their midst and says they are greater than them in the Kingdom of Heaven because of their humility. Suddenly, it seems Jesus is asking us to be more welcoming. The reason my wires get crossed in my brain is because I want so many to convert and I don't really take them by the hand. I don't really welcome them in my life, in my prayer life, in any part of life, just "do as I say" is the attitude. Humility is an unwelcomed stranger in our lives. We do nice things for one another, and more in the name of vanity, more in longing to hear "good boy" or "good girl" with a pat on the head or the back, all for vain glory.
I invite you then, to get to know this stranger among us. This stranger is pretty much ignored all day. This stranger is so common that you commonly mistake him. The stranger never stood out in your life. Yet, the stranger could've saved your life. By millimeters the stranger is revealed, by each sin you ask for forgiveness. By each time the Blessed Eucharist is consumed. By each time you reach out to one in need of love. Suddenly, God's wants seem more like needs...
Litany of Humility Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val (1865-1930), Secretary of State for Pope Saint Pius X | O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me. From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, Jesus. From the desire of being loved... From the desire of being extolled ... From the desire of being honored ... From the desire of being praised ... From the desire of being preferred to others... From the desire of being consulted ... From the desire of being approved ... From the fear of being humiliated ... From the fear of being despised... From the fear of suffering rebukes ... From the fear of being calumniated ... From the fear of being forgotten ... From the fear of being ridiculed ... From the fear of being wronged ... From the fear of being suspected ... That others may be loved more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it. That others may be esteemed more than I ... That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease ... That others may be chosen and I set aside ... That others may be praised and I unnoticed ... That others may be preferred to me in everything... That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should... |
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