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Gabriel (Michael, Gabriel and Raphael) Angels—messengers from God—appear frequently in Scripture, but only Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are named. Michael appears in Daniel's vision as "the great prince" who defends Israel against its enemies (12:1); in the Book of Revelation, Michael leads God's armies to final victory over the forces of evil (12:7). Devotion to Michael is the oldest angelic devotion, rising in the East in the fourth century. The Church in the West began to observe a feast honoring Michael and the angels in the fifth century. Gabriel also makes an appearance in Daniel's visions, announcing Michael's role in God's plan. His best-known appearance is an encounter with a young Jewish girl named Mary, who consents to bear the Messiah (Luke 1:26-38). Raphael's activity is confined to the Old Testament story of Tobit. There he guides Tobit's son, Tobiah, through a series of fantastic adventures which lead to a threefold happy ending: Tobiah's marriage to Sarah, the healing of Tobit's blindness and the restoration of the family fortune. The memorials of Gabriel (March 24) and Raphael (October 24) were added to the Roman calendar in 1921. The 1970 revision of the calendar joined their feasts to Michael's. Comment: Each of these archangels performs a different mission in Scripture: Michael protects; Gabriel announces; Raphael guides. Earlier belief that inexplicable events were due to the actions of spiritual beings has given way to a scientific world-view and a different sense of cause and effect. Yet believers still experience God's protection, communication and guidance in ways which defy description. We cannot dismiss angels too lightly. Quote: Patron Saint of:"In praising your faithful angels and archangels, we also praise your glory, for in honoring them, we honor you, their creator. Their splendor shows us your greatness, which surpasses in goodness the whole of creation" (Sacramentary, Preface for Angels). Broadcasters Communication workers Messengers Postal workers Radio Telecommunications Daily Prayer - 2016-01-13PresenceLord, help me to be fully alive to your holy presence. FreedomLord, grant me the grace to be free from the excesses of this life. ConsciousnessThere is a time and place for everything, as the saying goes. The Word of GodReading 1 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20 During the time young Samuel was minister to the LORD under Eli, Responsorial Psalm PS 40:2 and 5, 7-8a, 8b-9, 10 R. (8a and 9a) Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will. Alleluia Jn 10:27 R. Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel Mk 1:29-39 On leaving the synagogue Some thoughts on today's scripture
ConversationSometimes I wonder what I might say if I were to meet you in person Lord. ConclusionI thank God for these few moments we have spent alone together and for any insights I may have been given concerning the text. Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church (Optional Memorial) Revelation of the Lord was uncommon. (1 Samuel 3:1) Up until the mid-1900s, news was a scarce commodity, and it didn't travel very fast. For example, when the American colonies declared independence, King George III of England didn't hear about it for two months! News of the famous "Charge of the Light Brigade," immortalized by the poet Tennyson, didn't reach England for nearly a month. But then came the telegraph, the telephone, television, and the Internet. Now almost anyone can get news anytime—including a lot of news that's unnecessary! Think of how God communicates with his people. In the time of the Old Testament, he usually spoke through his messengers, the prophets. And so as the writer of 1 Samuel tells us, "revelation of the Lord was uncommon and vision infrequent" (1 Samuel 3:1). But that changed when Jesus poured out his Spirit on Pentecost. The apostles spread the good news of the gospel throughout the known world in a very short time. Empowered by the Spirit, they became the equivalent of high-speed transmission! As members of the Church, we have inherited the mission of transmitting the Gospel—and what a revolutionary message it is! We carry the news that death has been vanquished, and that there's no reason to fear. We are here to let people know that it's not just the next life, but this life, that can be transformed through the power of Christ. The call to evangelize may seem intimidating, especially if you think it's all up to you. But you aren't responsible for converting someone else—just for giving what you have. Today, think about one person you know who needs to know Jesus. Pray about one action you can take that will witness God's love to that person. Perhaps you've known someone for years but have never shared your story. Or perhaps you've just met someone who is clearly in need of prayer. Take that one step of faith, and see how far the Spirit will carry it. You can become proof that revelation of the Lord is no longer "uncommon"! "Lord, who needs to hear of your life-saving mercy? How can I share your news with that person? Help me to plant just one seed of love in someone's life today." Psalm 40:2, 5, 7-10 Looking For You Podcast Page: my2cents: I like those ninja theme shows, because they have a teacher they call "master", and in the case of the prophets, there is a teacher, like Eli, someone showing the way to greatness, and today the blinding Eli passes the baton to Samuel when he realizes God is speaking to this child that was left at the altar; just say this ""Speak, for your servant is listening." Have you ever heard the Lord speak your name? If you haven't, then try dedicating more time at the Blessed Sacrament, and also more quiet time at home with the Lord. Turn off the TV, that horrid time killer, turn off that noise coming out of that radio, turn off even some lights and light a candle for the Lord and speak to the Lord for a short time and then most of the time, just try to sit still and Know That He Is God. If the Lord has spoken my name, the name called warmed my heart and tugged to conversion and automatically the reply is "speak Lord, I am your servant". Automatic, as automatic as a mother heeds the call and cry of a child, as automatic as shutting down everything when something greater has occurred, this is how it is when the Lord calls, because who He is, the creator, the Grand Master is speaking, and His word is grand and true, and wants to live through you. We pray the Psalms with our Lord "Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will. Sacrifice or oblation you wished not, but ears open to obedience you gave me." And "In the written scroll it is prescribed for me. To do your will, O my God, is my delight..." This is how yesterday's email reflection was left off and it picks up today. His word is Gold, it is my treasure, it is our treasure, what He says goes, no matter where it leads us. "Let it by thy will", I like a song that sings "have thine own way Lord". When you surrender to the Lord and follow Him, you'll begin to witness amazing things, healings, I guess you could call them miracles, but miracles sound cheap nowadays, because compared to a spiritual being freed from demonic spirits, that there is truly amazing. This is why I kept prodding at the RCIA students last night when I kept asking over and over "what do you think the Lord means when He says "ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened"? I ask you the same? One said "healings?" And the other said "salvation" and wouldn't let up on that, adamant he was. I said "you are all looking at temporal are confining God to too little!" Here you can ask Him for anything, the greatest in the world, and we do not...we do not ask OF HIM, of HIM to reign in our souls, of HIM, a piece of HIM to partake of HIM. How often do you invoke the Holy Spirit into your life? How often do you knock at the door of His heart to say "will you fall in love with me?". Because He chases us to the ends of the earth, foolishly in Love, but we are so fooled that we do not seek Him to make Him fall in love with us! Knock and it WILL be opened. Ask and you WILL RECEIVE. In comes the Lord into our lives by way of the Holy Gospel and the only words He was quoted saying was " "Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come." He wasn't going to remain only where they called Him, but going where He was not called by the people...chasing after you and me. For if we fail to heed His call, it does not mean He isn't's that we are not listening. Speak, Lord, your servant is listening. Read the book by Father Mitch Pacwa "How To Listen When God Is Speaking". You'll be pointed in the direction, like a master teaching the pupil, the young warrior to be. There you'll learn what it means to communicate with a loved one, and that loved one ultimately ends up being our LORD, the one to be Loved...surrender, heed the call. The reflection before my2cents said to reach out to at least one person. In the name of the Lord do it. If you make a difference in one life, you could make the difference of a thousand lives. That's why the Lord deals with person by person, and an Archangel to only one person, whether to a prophet, or the Mother of our Lord. The dealings are personal. I have sat with some week after week, reminding them of the importance of the love of God and His commands, yet, they do not listen. They do not follow His commands, they see me living them but do not believe. We pick and choose what we want to believe and this, this being obstinate means the heart is still hard, not softened, not attuned to hearing His voice. Because when the Lord speaks, you automatically say YES. Yes Lord, I hear you, I will listen, I will follow, I will go where you lead. The world has too many leaders and thinkers and not enough doers and followers. Let us become a follower that leads the leader. If my life is changed for the good of the Lord, it is because I have witnessed followers, doers. This is the year of great things, do you doubt? This is the year you can convert! This is the year the Lord enters our temple! This is the year we can consume mercy and be what we eat! This is the year we will listen to the Master, for that warrior will be launched and is already in trials, for the suffering church is the Church of God and none more evident than in the faithful, living in harmonious joy and peace, because they are in love with God. I invite you to do more, meet outside of Mass, community is critical, your family is a community, your Church is a community, and we are to join and be one in Holiness, especially at His table, where He serves and we are honored and blessed and in turn surrender our lives to Him by giving of ourselves because we follow Him... Subscribe | |||||||
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