Minute Meditations
Blessed Rafal Chylinski (1694-1741) Born near Buk in the Poznan region of Poland, Melchior showed early signs of religious devotion; family members nicknamed him "the little monk." After completing his studies at the Jesuit college in Poznan, Melchior joined the cavalry and was promoted to officer rank within three years. In 1715, against the urgings of his military comrades, Melchior joined the Conventual Franciscans in Krakow. Receiving the name Rafal, he was ordained two years later. After pastoral assignments in nine cities, he came to Lagiewniki (central Poland), where he spent the last 13 years of his life, except for 20 months ministering to flood and epidemic victims in Warsaw. In all these places, Rafal was known for his simple and candid sermons, for his generosity, as well as his ministry in the confessional. People of all levels of society were drawn to the self-sacrificing way he lived out his religious profession and priestly ministry. Rafal played the harp, lute, and mandolin to accompany liturgical hymns. In Lagiewniki he distributed food, supplies, and clothing to the poor. After his death, the Conventual church in that city became a place of pilgrimage for people throughout Poland. He was beatified in Warsaw in 1991. Comment: Quote:The sermons preached by Rafal were powerfully reinforced by the living sermon of his life. The Sacrament of Reconciliation can help us bring our daily choices into harmony with our words about Jesus' influence in our life. During the beatification homily, Pope John Paul II said, "May Blessed Rafal remind us that every one of us, even though we are sinners, has been called to love and to holiness" (L'Osservatore Romano, 1991, vol. 25, number 19). Daily Prayer - 2015-12-02PresenceI remind myself that I am in your presence O Lord. Freedom"Leave me here freely all alone ConsciousnessHow do I find myself today? The Word of GodReading 1 Is 25:6-10a On this mountain the LORD of hosts Responsorial Psalm PS 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 R. (6cd) I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. AlleluiaR. Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel Mt 15:29-37 At that time: Some thoughts on today's scripture
ConversationSometimes I wonder what I might say if I were to meet you in person Lord. ConclusionI thank God for these few moments we have spent alone together and for any insights I may have been given concerning the text. 1st Week of Advent He broke the loaves and gave them to the crowds. (Matthew 15:36) Ruth Stull was a woman given to a cause—the natives of Peru. Originally from Ohio, Ruth traveled to Peru to share the gospel with them. It wasn't an easy vocation, and there were times that she must have felt as crumbly as the bread that Jesus held in his hands in today's Gospel reading. But Ruth saw great hope and consolation in this story, not an occasion to worry about herself. "If my life is broken when given to Jesus," she once said, "it is because pieces will feed a multitude, while a loaf will satisfy only a little lad." What a wonderful perspective! Of course, very few of us are called to share the gospel in a Peruvian jungle, but we have all experienced what it's like to be tested and tried—and divided into many pieces—in the course of doing God's will. Parents experience this as they pour themselves out for their children. Priests experience it as they minister to their many parishioners. Everyone experiences it with the everyday demands of life! We know that we are able to touch so many more people if we allow ourselves to be "broken and scattered" than if we remain safe in our comfort zones. We all face situations in which we feel fragile or unsure as to whether there is enough of us to go around. But here's the miracle and the paradox. If we can place ourselves in Jesus' hands as we keep moving forward, we'll find his comfort and strength—and we'll end up bearing much more fruit than we ever thought we could. We may think that we are most suited to help people when we feel strong and capable. And of course we need to take care of ourselves so that we don't become exhausted or dispirited. But many times, it's when we feel weak that God works most powerfully through us. Ruth Stull learned to "boast most gladly" in her weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). We can, too. Today, keep repeating these simple words: "When I am weak within myself, then Jesus will be strong in me." It's not a paradox. It is a simple statement of faith in God's grace and strength. "Lord, give me the strength to work hard, the peace to survive my demands, and the desire to give myself generously to others." Isaiah 25:6-10 Podcast Page: http://hipcast.com/podcast/H0K78Hkk my2cents: Today's Holy Scriptures began with "On this mountain the LORD of hosts will provide for all peoples". What did you think when you heard/read these words? What mountain? What mountain are they speaking of and how can I get there? "On THIS mountain" the Lord will provide. There was a mountain that Abraham had gone up to, to sacrifice his only beloved son Isaac on an altar both father and son were building. As Abraham picked up his knife, an angel appeared and stopped it. The boy looked up, got up, saved, and said "then what can we sacrifice?" and Abraham answered "Yahweh-yireh" which means "THE LORD WILL PROVIDE". So what mountain are you thinking of? It is an altar place isn't it? It is a high place isn't it? It is a mountain Jesus goes to and provides bread abundant, life giving abundant with the little bread we bring isn't it? It is, and it is more! His majesty is awesome! we end the scripture in joy "This is the LORD for whom we looked {for salvation}; let us rejoice and be glad that he has saved us!" The Psalms pray on "You spread the table before me in the sight of my foes", as evil sees you eating with the Lord he says inside "look at you hypocrites!" wishing to death that it could partake of the bread, eat in full Holy Communion with the Lord. Yet, we travel up the line in humility, waiting to be slaughtered like the son of Abraham, and more like the Son of God! Humility for life. Then we pray "I Shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life". I shall. What does that mean? I shall? God says thou shalt and it means you shall. Then we say I shall. He says things for us to be with Him. As if to say Thou shalt live with Me, Thy Father. Will we obey? Will we seek the mountain? And who will go to the mountain of the Lord? JEsus comes in to us today in the Holy Gospel, ""My heart is moved with pity for the crowd, for they have been with me now for three days...". His heart is moved! I told the RCIA class (class for adults wanting to learn to be Catholics), I said "the Lord has feelings you know, He gets glad and we can make Him sad...." don't you think? Jesus was made human, the Son of God, He felt everything we felt, the loss of a loved one, pity, anger, hunger....so let us think of Him as a Holy one among us, and so His heart is moved, for they had brought with them the lost, the lame, the blind, the mute. How many of us are blind (to the Lord)? How many of us are lame (unable to move for the Lord)? How many of us are mute (unable to speak for the Lord)? Because the physical reality is manifested in the spiritual. Jesus heals, Jesus saves, His name means He Saves. That is why we are to bring one another to the altar, the mountain, to receive the Lord, to receive healing, and spiritual nourishment. For humans are not disposable, that is why we are to honor life from its conception. The only thing that is disposable is sin and we are not sin, we are of Him. You are HIs and HIs we desire to be and will be! This Altar brings bread and this is fortification for salvation. And how sad would it be just to save your own self and be alone...what about the rest? What about Jesus? His heart is moved, and He provides. Notice though, He provides when they gave Him all (the little) they had? We got to learn to give. Advent is a time of giving. Learn what it is to give to the Lord and then be prepared to receive much joy. Because His smile...is worth a million years of tears. The Lord GOD will wipe away the tears from all faces; Let us Rejoice and be glad! Subscribe to the visit Going4th.com mailing list. | |||||||
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